Location: Ti Top Island is situated about 7-8km south-east of Bai Chay.
Characteristics: It displays a beach shaped like a crescent moon and sand that has been washed to a snowy white by the tide
November 22, 1962, this tiny island had the honor of receiving a visit from astronaut Ghermann Titov, a hero of the former Soviet Union, accompanied by President Ho Chi Minh. To perpetuate the remembrance of their visit, Uncle Ho named the place Ti Top Island. It has now become an attractive beach for tourists and has various of tourist services.
Thirty-five years afterwards, on June 27, 1997, Ti Top returned to the island having his name. Deeply moved, he wrote in the souvenir book of the Management Board of Halong Bay: "My deepest thanks to destiny, which has allowed me to come back to this tiny island.” It has become a beach attracting many visitors.
From about 14km east of Bai Chay is Ti Top Beach. It takes the shape of a crescent encompassing the island. Small though it might be, it wins kudos for its quiet and airy atmosphere, its clean and clear waters, as well as its alluring landscape. At present, there has a bar in the island which also provides swimming costumes, floats and lukewarm shower. Fresh water was carried to the island from inland. Ti Top Beach has become a popular tourist destination.

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Source: VNAT

Halong Bay - General Information
History of the name “Halong”
Geographical Location and Climate
Yen Ngua Islet
Xep Islet
Vung Duc Temple and Grottoes
Trong Mai Islet
Trinh Nu & Trong Grottoes
Ti Top Island and Beach
Thien Nga Islet
The Vang Island
Tam Cung Grotto
Su Tu Bien Islet
Soi Sim Islet
Reu Island
Quan Lan Beach
Oan Islet
Ngon Tay Islet
Minh Chau Beach
Me Cung Grotto
Mat Quy Islet
Luon Grotto
Kim Quy Grotto
Hang Hanh Grotto
Dua Islet
Dinh Huong Islet
Dau Nguoi Islet
Dau Moi Islet
Dau Be Island
Cong Do Island