Location: The Vang Island is situated in the area of Bai Tu Long Bay, about 13km from Cam Pha Town.
Characteristics: The Vang Island is an eco-tourist complex; investments are being poured into the site.
The beaches in the island are small but clean and charming. In the future a system of rest houses and tourist services will be built to meet the demands of tourists for relaxation during weekends.
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Source: VNAT

Halong Bay - General Information
History of the name “Halong”
Geographical Location and Climate
Yen Ngua Islet
Xep Islet
Vung Duc Temple and Grottoes
Trong Mai Islet
Trinh Nu & Trong Grottoes
Ti Top Island and Beach
Thien Nga Islet
The Vang Island
Tam Cung Grotto
Su Tu Bien Islet
Soi Sim Islet
Reu Island
Quan Lan Beach
Oan Islet
Ngon Tay Islet
Minh Chau Beach
Me Cung Grotto
Mat Quy Islet
Luon Grotto
Kim Quy Grotto
Hang Hanh Grotto
Dua Islet
Dinh Huong Islet
Dau Nguoi Islet
Dau Moi Islet
Dau Be Island
Cong Do Island