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The Feeding of the Monks

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The saffron clad monks in Luang Prabang occupy a generous proportion of conversational and visual space. Watching or taking part in the morning food procession that sees the monks walking through and collecting food donations from locals is a heart-warming and culturally telling experience.
Each temple takes a different route around town, making sure that there is a steady flow and pace as the monks receive their alms (food donations). Woman should note that you must always keep your head lower than the monks' and your feet (always bare) should never ever be pointed at anyone. It's considered a grave insult. Also your shoulders and knees should be covered. The novices are happy to practice their English with tourists so feel free to indulge in some light-hearted conversation and perhaps learn something new about Laos culture. 

Source: Laos National Tourism Administration

Luang Prabang - General Information
Wat Xieng Thong
Wat Wisunarat (Wat Visoun)
Wat Mai Suwannapumaram
The Feeding of the Monks
Royal Palace Museum
Mount Phousi