Thanks to CBI's EXPRO 83 - TOURISM we realized the importance of sustainable tourism and try to adapt our products, our behavioral to meet the new trend.
In our opinion, sustainable tourism simply means tourism which benefits local community and tourists while preserving the environment and enhancing opportunities for next generations.
Terms related to Sustainable Tourism
Responsible Tourism
Refers to the consumers' choice of destination and mode of transport based on their ethical, political and racial sensitivities as well as being concerned for the environment and local culture.
Green Tourism
Historically the definition of this term has been travel which is environmentally friendly or being that in general does not concern itself with cultural or economic elements of the destination. Current uses of the term are becoming broader to incorporate full sustainable tourism principles.
Ethical Tourism
Ethical tourism has evolved as a term when one considers traveling to, or developing tourism in a destination where ethical issues are the key driver, e.g. social injustice, human rights, animal welfare or the environment. Ethical tourism is geared towards encouraging both the consumer and industry to avoid participation in activities that contribute or support negative ethical issues.
Ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, is a subset of sustainable tourism which focuses on ecology. Ecotourism tends to be encountered in destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. The industry actively works towards conserving or improving the natural and cultural heritage through managing its own operations to help conserve the environment, organizing conservation projects, offering volunteering and educating visitors.