The Laotians celebrate a lot of events. The majority of their events are related to the Buddhist festivities and agricultural bonanza. Processions accompanied by music and dancing go along with a variety display of fireworks on the roads can be witnessed during the festivals. The events of Laos are as follows: * February: Vietnamese Tet and Chinese New Year. * Magha Puja also known as Makkha Bu Saa or full moon: This celebrates the speech of Buddha to enlightened monks. Chanting and offerings mark this festival. * March: Boun Khoun Khao, a local harvest festival. * April: Pi Mai, lunar year, when houses are cleaned and people put on new dresses and wash Buddha images. Other than fruit and flower offerings, the main attraction includes elephant processions. * May: Vishakha Puja celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. * June -July: Khao Phansaa * August: Haw Khao Padap Din, a festival where living pay respect to the dead. * September: Boun Phansaa, faithful people pay homage to the temples. * October: Bun Nam, water festival. Boat races are commonly held. Decorated rafts and boats wade through the water. * December: Lao National day, celebrate the victory of Proletariate over Monarchy. Mexico. Source: Laos National Tourism Administration |