HTML clipboard Book a trip in Mekong River with Pandaw Cruise, contact us at info[at] See Pandaw fleet: Pandaw II, Pandaw IV, RV Indochina Pandaw, RV Mekong Pandaw, RV Orient Pandaw, RV Tonle Pandaw 2005 marks the 10th anniversary since we started running river expeditions. Reviving the old Irrawaddy Flotilla Company in 1995, we were the first since the Second World War to offer pioneering cruises on Myanmar's spectacular Irrawaddy River, attempting to reach Bhamo, one thousand miles from the sea. In 1998 we pioneered the stunningly attractive Chindwin River. | | In 2001 were the first since colonial days to offer a complete cruise from Rangoon to Mandalay. In 2002 we took our Pandaw concept to the Mekong River in Indochina where we now have two Pandaws plying between Saigon in Vietnam and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Here the Pandaws broke the seemingly impenetrable river border between two very different countries. In high water our vessels accomplished the first cross navigation of the Tonle Sap, an inland sea previously un-navigated by anything other than local speed boats. We now have four beautifully crafted Pandaw ships in operation that we built ourselves. Each ship, hand finished in brass and teak by traditional craftsmen are in themselves objects of great beauty. The secret of our success is that on our ships, whilst luxury and comfort are discreetly present, it is the colonial character and friendly atmosphere that predominate. All our Pandaws have ultra shallow drafts and can travel to remote areas, which would be unreachable by other vessels, let alone overland. | Both the Irrawaddy and Mekong rivers traverse mountains, jungles and plains and each empty into the ocean through vast deltas. A variety of cultures, ways of life and religions are dissected by these great water systems. Along their banks may be found a number of the most significant centers of art and architecture in the world including Pagan in Myanmar and Angkor in Cambodia. Myanmar was once the jewel in the British Imperial crown; the countries of L'Indochine were once French protectorates. Today the respective colonial legacies of both the British and the French may be found in the towns along these rivers. Pandaw Cruises are honored by the fact that so many past passengers return on a
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