Hara Express Train'S INFORMATION

Night trains from Hanoi to Sapa, Lao Cai See price, timetable

Night trains from Hanoi to Sapa, Lao Cai Other trains to Sapa

The brand new Hara Express Train has just been introduced to operate routing Hanoi - Lao Cai - Hanoi with 4 fully decorated carriages with high standard soft sleepers with air-conditioning wooden cabins with soft 2 berths cabin
Hara Express Train is wooden carriage, soft sleeper A.C cabin with soft 4 berths and two toilet at either ends. Each berth is equipped with individual reading lights, baggage storage and spacious trunk for suite case and hand luggage. The train provide also water and cold tower.

How to Book
Simply inform us at the same time you send your request for accommodations, or email us at info@e-travelvietnam.com


Hara Express Sapa Train's pictures


Hara Sapa train's carriage

Hara Sapa train's cabin

Hara Sapa train's washing room

Hara Sapa train's toilet


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