Welcome to the website has this hotel in Thien Tan.
We hope that the information and services Hotel Thien Tan will be your choice. Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Sea is a tourist center, famous islands of the country, but also the world known as one of the world's 29 most beautiful bays. Smokeless industry has brought to Nha Trang annual growth in double digits. To meet the needs that a growing number of resorts and luxury hotels that are born in our hotel in Thien Tan.
Our Vietnam Tours & Prominent Advantages:
Free consultancy
Free visa arrangement
Online communication
Affordable, refundable
Customized service
Flexible, changeable
Interaction with locals
Authentic experience
Deposit, pay on arrival
Clear cancellation term
... Just a short note to thank you so much for all your work. We had a wonderful time in Vietnam ...