Bokor Hill Station
HTML clipboardIt is a mountain top collection of
buildings (hotel, casino, church, royal residence, etc.), constructed by French
authorities in the early 1920s as a compliment to the already popular Kep resort
area. In the 1990s a travel author referred to Bokor as ‘the eeriest place in
the world’, and it lives up to that reputation.
Caves near Kampot
HTML clipboardThe caves of Phnom Ta’aun are part of a
limestone formation. Narrow cave, chimney, passages with rock formations. A bit
more interesting are the caves at Phnom Sia.
Kampong Trach
HTML clipboardKampong Trach is the district that borders
Vietnam. The road trip from Kampot to the main town passes though some
picturesque rural areas. There is a new side road to Kampong Trach town that
skirts the base of Phnom Voar, (where the victims of the 1994 Khmer Rouge
kidnappings were held.)
Kep Beach
HTML clipboardA single, kilometer long crescent of sand near
the tip of the Kep peninsula. Dining platforms and seafood vendors line the
road behind the beach. Busy on weekends but often deserted during the week.
Phnom Chhnok
HTML clipboardName: Phnom Chhnok
How to go: 9km (22mn) From Provincial Town.
Phnom Daung
HTML clipboardName: Phnom Daung
How to go: 7 km (11mn) From Provincial Town.
Phnom Seda Orn
Name: Phnom Seda Orn
How to go: 6 km (10mn) From Provincial Town.
Preak Anpil Resort
HTML clipboardName: Preak Anpil Resort
Location: locates at Koh Touch Commune, Kampot District in 18-Kilometer
distance, west of the provincial town of Kampot by the National Road No3.
Teuk Chhu Resort
HTML clipboardName: Teuk Chhu Resort
Description: Is the natural resort locating at Snom Prampi Village, Mak
Prang Commune, Kampot District in eight-Kilometer distance, North of the
provincial town.
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